Currently Available
I’m presently printing and selling two scans as 5x7 glossy RC prints at $25 each.
Darkroom Printing
I print my own work in my own darkroom using a Durst M605 Electronic enlarger and various paper stocks and chemicals. As of December 2024, I’m focused on black & white development on Ilford Multigrade RC paper in small formats. As I dial in those prints, I’m looking toward the next step.
Color Printing (RA-4)
Color film printing requires a different set of chemicals, a dichroic enlarger, complete darkness, and a lot of patience to produce a quality print. I’m honing my skills to perfect the technique so I can begin producing these prints.
Because I’ve spent most of my photography career shooting color film, my backlog of black & white negatives for printing is relatively limited, compared to the volume I’d like to print. If you have a collection of film negatives (in any format) that aren’t useful to you at the moment, I will gladly borrow them to produce prints, for you and myself as well. If this interests you, please send me an email with your information and any scans you have of the negatives in question. I’m excited to collaborate with other artists in this medium and increase access to fully analog film prints for modern film photographers.